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and providing
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Find out about our roles

Adult Services

Our Adults Services is responsible for assessing and meeting the care and support needs of the adult population of the borough

Children’s Services

Our Children’s Services teams are responsible for supporting all children and young people in our community between the ages of 0-25.

Chief Executive’s Directorate

Our Corporate Services are at the heart of the council and integral to ensuring colleagues are provided with business support and guidance.

Environment and Regeneration

Our Environment and Regeneration directorate encompasses a diverse range of services which our delivered through our Community and Greenspaces, Economy, Enterprise and Property, and Policy, Planning and Transportations teams.

Public Health

Our Public Health Directorate has two pathways; Health and Wellbeing teams and Public Protection and Regulatory Services teams.

Children’s Social Care Careers Fair

Join us Saturday 1 March 10am – 3pm at Halton Stadium


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